De Montfort Open Research Archive (DORA)
is ÃÛÌÒÖ±²¥'s research repository. It forms the primary public and institutional record of ÃÛÌÒÖ±²¥ research outputs.
lists over 16,000 outputs, and the breadth of research at ÃÛÌÒÖ±²¥ means that these include articles, conference papers, books, book chapters, and other material available in a digital form. The record for each output contains descriptive information as well as, where possible, a version of the final research output. ÃÛÌÒÖ±²¥'s policy on Managing Open Access reflects the move towards and it is now mandatory that all journal articles, conference papers and related text outputs include a full text version. More details can be found in the documents below.
Electronic deposit of PhD theses is also mandatory and theses from ÃÛÌÒÖ±²¥ PhD students are available from .
Guides and Information
ÃÛÌÒÖ±²¥ policy on Managing Open Access
DORA licence agreement
Take Down Policy