The key role for an external examiner is completion of a written report which should not only celebrate the positive aspects of programmes, but also give specific recommendations for actions. It is essential that reports contain clear information on academic standards and advise on good practice, innovation and areas for enhancement.
These written reports should be submitted annually at the end of the academic year and at the end of their period of office, within one month after the main assessment board (usually in the summer). Fees are paid on receipt of a report when accompanied by a claim form which must be completed even if examiners have not incurred any expenses.
Please refer to the guide to external examining at ÃÛÌÒÖ±²¥ and the on good practice for further details on producing and submitting written reports, along with additional information about how reports are processed and action that arises from their receipt, as well as what happens to reports of a serious nature.
Submitting written reports
External examiners are required to submit written reports annually and at the end of their periods of office, using the correct MS Form link. There will be a different link for each academic session. For 2023/24 please use the following:
IMPORTANT: examiners cannot save their progress on the MS Form report proforma; the form must be completed and submitted in one go. A Word version of the form will be provided if examiners prefer to work on the questions offline in their own time. The template can be used to preview the questions, prepare answers, and then copy and paste into the MS Form when ready. The Word template should not be submitted. Please contact for a copy of the Word template.
For Asia Pacific University (APU), please use the APU report proforma and email the report directly to
Please refer to the opening section of the report proforma for the key points to note when completing the written report.
All guidance material and forms relating to external examining can be found in the Guidance and forms section below.
How reports are processed
Each report is logged by the Quality Officer (External Examiners/Awarding Bodies) who is responsible for the administration of external examiner records within DAQ. Most reports will be shared with key Faculty staff and relevant collaborative partners within five working days of receipt of the report.
Reports of a serious nature
When an issue of serious concern is noted in an external examiner report the Pro Vice-Chancellor Education & Equalities and Head of Academic Quality will ensure that an appropriate response is received from the faculty.
If an external examiner has serious concerns about issues related to standards within the institution, and has exhausted all internal procedures including a confidential report to the Vice-Chancellor, they should access the independent mechanism for addressing concerns about standards and quality in higher education managed by the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA).
Action arising from external examiner reports
The guide to external examining includes details on how external examiners reports are dealt with. An external examiner response template has been devised to aid consistency and improve the quality of the detailed responses to external examiners’ reports. Use of this template is optional.
Findings from external examiner reports
The Quality Officer (External Examiners/Awarding Bodies) provides the Quality Sub-Committee (QSC) with an overview report which highlights areas for improvement and strengths across all faculties and subject areas to enable key issues to be monitored at university level from year to year. Copies of this report can be obtained from DAQ.