Journal Articles
Piché, G., Davidson, G., Dunkley-Smith, A., Grant, A., Yates, S. & Maybery, D. (2024) Exploring past research to move forward: a scoping review of aims, outcomes, and recommendations in parental mental illness qualitative research, Frontiers in Public Health.
Maybery, D., Grant, A., Piché, G., Yates, S., Ruud, T., Dunkley-Smith, A. and Davidson, G. (2024) Summarising quantitative outcomes in parental mental illness research, International Journal of Mental Health Nursing.
Berghs, M., Horne, F., Yates, S., Kemp, R. & Webster, A. (2024) The indignities of shielding during the Covid-19 pandemic for people with sickle cell disease: an interpretative phenomenological analysis. Frontiers in Sociology.
Hine, R., Gladstone, B., Reupert, A., O’Dea, L., Cuff, R., Yates, S. Hagstrom, A., McGaw, V. & Foster, K. (2023) StigmaBeat: Collaborating with rural young people to co-design films aimed at reducing mental health stigma, Qualitative Health Research
Yates, S., Gladstone, B., Foster, K., Hagstrom, A. S., Day, L., Cuff, R., & Hine, R., (2023) Epistemic injustice in experiences of young people with parents with mental health challenges, Sociology of Health & Illness
Tafi, V., Coles, A., Goodman, S., Yates, S. & Elsey, C. (2023) Scepticism or conspiracy? A discourse analysis of antilockdown comments to online newspaper articles, Critical Discourse Studies.
Yates, S. & Gatsou, L. (2023) Constrained sense-making in families with parental mental illness and the importance of intra-family communication for positive outcomes, British Journal of Social Work, 53(5), 2742-2761
Berghs, M., Horne, F., Yates, S., Graham, S., Kemp, R., Webster, A. & Howson, C. (2022) Black sickle cell patients’ lives matter: healthcare, long-term shielding and psychological distress during a racialised pandemic in England – a mixed-methods study, BMJ Open, 12(9)
Yates, S. & Gatsou, L. (2022) Supporting families with parental mental health challenges: A guide for social workers. Community Care Inform:
Yates, S. & Gatsou, L. (2021) Idealisation and stigmatisation of parenting in families with parental mental illness. Social Science and Medicine: Qualitative Research in Health:
Reupert, A. et al (2021) Prato Research Collaborative for Change in Parent and Child Mental Health: Principles and recommendations for working with children and parents living with parental mental illness, Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry, 63(3), 350-353
Reupert, A., Gladstone, B., Hine, R., Yates, S., McGaw, V., Charles, G., Drost, L. & Foster, K. (2021) Stigma in relation to families living with parental mental illness: An integrative review, International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 30, 6-26
Yates, S. & Gatsou, L. (2021) Undertaking family-focused interventions when a parent has a mental illness - possibilities and challenges, Practice, 33(2), 103-18
Knifton, C. & Yates, S. (2019) A “history of problematisations” for dementia education: A Foucauldian approach to understanding the framing of dementia, Journal of Research in Nursing, 24(3-4), 212-230. [JRN Veronica Bishop Paper of the Year 2019-2020]
Yates, S. & Gatsou, L. (2017) Enhancing Family Communication in Families Where a Parent has a Mental Illness, Journal of Parent and Family Mental Health, 2(3).
Ola, B., Yates, S. & Dyson, S. (2016) Living with Sickle Cell Disease and Depression in Lagos, Nigeria: A Mixed Methods Study. Social Science and Medicine, 161, 27-36.
Gatsou, L., Yates, S., Hussain, S., Barrett, M., Gangavati, S. & Ghafoor, R. (2016) Parental mental illness: incidence, assessment and practice, Mental Health Practice, 19(5), 25-27
Gatsou, L., Yates, S., Goodrich, N. & Pearson, N. (2015) The Challenges Presented by Parental Mental Illness and the Potential of a Whole Family Intervention to Improve Outcomes for Families, Child and Family Social Work, 22(1), 388-397
Yates, S. (2015) Neoliberalism and Disability: The Possibilities and Limitations of a Foucauldian Critique. Foucault Studies, 19, 84-107
Yates, S. & Roulstone, A. (2013) Social Policy and Transitions to Training and Work for Disabled Young People in the UK, Disability & Society, 28(4), 456-470
Gatsou, L. Fadden, G., Goodrich, N., Yates, S., Valand, R., Shahzad, W. & Thomaidis, K. (2012) Think family/whole family approach multi-agency training program for frontline professionals: Improving the outcomes for mentally ill parents and their children, Neuropsychiatrie de l'Enfance et de l'Adolescence, 60(5), S190
Yates, S., Harris, A., Sabates, R. & Staff, J. (2011) ‘Early Occupational Aspirations and Fractured Youth Transitions: A study of entry into "NEET" status in the UK,’ Journal of Social Policy, 40(3)
Yates, S. & Hiles, D. (2010a) ‘You can’t, but I do’: the significance of shifts in pronominal forms for self-positioning in talk, Discourse Studies, 12(4), 535-551
Yates, S. & Hiles, D. (2010b) ‘Towards a critical ontology of ourselves? Foucault, subjectivity and discourse analysis,’ Theory & Psychology, 20(1), 52-75 (Most downloaded paper of 2009-10 in Theory & Psychology)
Roulstone, A. & Yates, S. (2010) Formation professionnelle et jeunes handicapés en Grande-Bretagne [Vocational Training and Disabled Young People in Great Britain], Nouvelle revue de l'adaptation et de la scolarisation, 8(2)
Yates, S., Payne, M. & Dyson, S. (2009) ‘Children and young people in hospitals: doing youth work in medical settings,’ Journal of Youth Studies, 12(1), 77-92
Yates, S., Dyson, S. & Hiles, D. (2008) ‘Beyond normalisation and impairment: Theorising subjectivity for learning difficulties theory and practice,’ Disability & Society, 23(3), 247-258
Yates, S. & Payne, M. (2007) “Minding the gap” between policy visions and service implementation: lessons from Connexions, Youth & Policy, 95, 25-40
Yates, S. & Payne, M. (2006) ‘Not so NEET? A critique of the use of “NEET” in targeting interventions with young people,’ Journal of Youth Studies, 9(3), 329-344
Book Chapters
Gatsou, L. & Yates, S. (2016) Safeguarding and supporting families with parental mental illness: issues, challenges and possibilities. In T. McDougall (ed.) Children and Young People’s Mental Health: Essentials for Nurses and other Professionals. Taylor & Francis
Yates, S. (2015) Truth, power and ethics in care services for people with learning difficulties. In S. Tremain (ed.) Foucault and the Government of Disability (revised ed). University of Michigan Press.
Yates, S. (2014) ‘Power/Knowledge’ in The Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology. New York: Springer
Yates, S. (2014a) ‘Individualization’ in The Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology. New York: Springer
Yates, S. (2014b) ‘Normalization’ in The Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology. New York: Springer
Yates, S., Payne, M. & Dyson, S. (2010) Children and young people in hospitals. In J. Rix, M. Nind, K. Sheehy & K. Simmons (eds.) Equality, Participation and Inclusion: Diverse contexts. Open University Press.
Yates, S. (2009) ‘Good practice in guidance, welfare and advice: Lessons from
Connexions,’ in J. Wood & J. Hine (eds.) Work with Young People: Developments in Theory, Policy and Practice. London: Sage